What's a girl to do when Hubby goes to the V8's???? Go shopping of course!!!!!!!!! As nearly everyone knows I live in a small country town with not a lot of options for material etc......So DH decided he would go with my Dad to the V8 supercars at Willowbank and my dads partner took me shopping to SL and Bargain Box in Ipswich..........
So this is what I got at SL- Some airplane fabric, animal fabric, 2 lots of linen light blue and brown, The red is a furnishing fabric to make a back pack out of and some knit with cars all over.

And some Nemo fabric in dark blue and a magnetic pin cushion, and a sewing/knitting gauge.

And from Bargain Box I got some fish fabric and cockatoo fabric, as DS is fasinated with them. My MIL has a Cockatoo named Charlie now everytime we see a bird any bird it is Charlie......He saw the fabric and said "Charlie" eyes all lit up, too cute!!!!

And some more Nemo in a light blue from Bargain Box.

Now what to make with all this new fabric????????

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