I made these pants for AJ and lined them with so tracksuit material so they are nice and warm........Mum got me some tracksuit material from the op shop a while ago but she got so ugly colours and it has been sitting in the cupboard for ages and everytime I see her she asks have I used it yet 'No' so now I can say yes.....She probley won't be happy that I only used it for lining but hey I used it..............

AJ modelling his pants....Sorry he insisted on showing his belly button!!!!!!!!!!!He is facinated by it and keeps checking it is still there!!!!!LOL!!!!!

And a close up of the pants, I made a size 3 and lucky I did as they fit really good. AJ is only in size 1 though, must be a small pattern......I have found this since I have started sewing, patterns seem to be smaller than sizes you buy in the shops!!!!!!!!
These were supposed to be nice bright trackpants, just different from your normal everyday boring plain ones. But I showed DH and he didn't say much, then after bathing AJ DH called out to me and said "Honey which way do the pants go there is no tag?" I said "what are you doing? AJ just had a bath he need PJ's on!" DH "These are PJ's aren't they" Me "Well they are now!!!" So I suppose they will be PJ's now!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on eye out for the top to go with the pants...........
Super Dooper Cute Em! The best pants for a little boy! Jaxon would adore a pair of those! Lol .... Hahaha at the belly poser!
They look fantastic! Eh, who cares if they look a bit like PJ pants, we all know they're not :-D What pattern did you use?
Thanks guys for the comments.
Vik- I used a really old pattern that I picked up for .20c, it is kwik sew 1975. I done a google search for it so I could just link it and show you and I couldn't find it anywhere, so it is super dooper old......I think the pants are a little too straight in the leg, but oh well they will do........
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