This is the EmmaLovesToSew new style dress for this summer, it will not replace the 'old' style 'Gnomeville' dress but will be an addition to the range :)......This dress will be available at the Toowoomba Mummy Tree Markets July 31st.............
Can you help give this gorgeous dress a name???? All you need to do is think of an orginal, catchy name for the dress and email your name suggestion (make sure you email me not comment here) I will pick the top 3 which I will publish on my blog and everyone can vote, the name with the most votes win....What do you win??? This gorgeous new dress for half price.....Price will be $35 (size 1-4, sizes 5+ will be $38) + postage, depending on size this dress will post for around $2 in an envelope. So not only will be amoung the first to get this new dress but you get the chance to get it a bargain price too....
You have till Monday 11th at 8pm to email me your name suggestion, I will then post the top 3 to be voted on..........
Remember this dress is not available to buy yet and will only be available at the Toowoomba market for now..
A massive big thank you to Kirsty Hellmech Photography for the gorgeous photo.